BLITZbee experience

Imagine the cool refreshment of gentle bubbles, followed by your taste buds being stimulated by a subtle sour note, perfectly balanced by a deep, honeyed sweetness. This is the experience of BLITZbee - a drink designed to give pleasure to your palate and energize your mind.

sprawdź teraz

Blitz experience

Imagine the cool refreshment of gentle bubbles, followed by your taste buds being stimulated by a subtle sour note, perfectly balanced by a deep, honeyed sweetness.This is the experience of Blitz - a drink created to give pleasure to your palate and energize your mind.

sprawdź teraz


Always in good shape

Our formula will provide you with a uniform increase in the efficiency of your body and mind, making it the best choice when you need stimulation. BLITZbee's combination of ingredients provides long-lasting stimulation by properly hydrating and fueling the body with valuable calories. This action avoids the "high" effect and subsequent sluggishness that are typical of stimulant drinks.



A composition you will understand


In BLITZbee you won't find any chemical enhancers, health-risky combinations of ingredients, or secret ingredient with magical properties.

You don't need a PhD in chemistry or an Internet search engine to understand the composition of our product. The composition of our drink is simple, because our body doesn't need us to pour 3/4 of the Periodic Table into it!


Coffee of the 21st century

BLITZbee has a stimulating effect like a cup of good, strong coffee. This is because, like a "small black", it contains a portion of caffeine extracted from high-quality coffee beans. The other ingredients in the formula enhance the effect of stable caffeine stimulation - BLITZbee will also keep you properly hydrated, replenish electrolytes, speed up the removal of toxins from the body, and provide a small dose of high-quality calories, which are your body's fuel!



No compromises

We do not save money on the consumer, which is why we do not add sugar or chemical sweeteners to BLITZbee. Sugar and sweeteners are the bane of the beverage market - a cheap way to increase sweetness. However, this savings is being passed on by the manufacturers to the customer - that's you! The only agent that sweetens our drink and at the same time the source of its unique depth of flavor is honey - the most perfect natural source of sweetness.



No compromise

We do not economise on the consumer, which is why no sugar or chemical sweeteners are added to Blitz. Sugar and sweeteners are the bane of the drinks market - a cheap way to increase sweetness. However, this saving is passed on by the manufacturers to the customer - that's you! The only agent that sweetens our drink and at the same time provides its unique depth of flavour is honey - the finest natural source of sweetness.


BLITZbee in a bottle

BLITZbee is available in colorless bottles with a capacity of 275 ml. The transparent glass allows the consumer to see the product in its natural state - every movement of the container causes the settled honey to stir, creating a spectacular effect reminiscent of a lava lamp. The product is adorned with an elegant black label featuring glossy gold accents, enhanced with a matte varnish, making it exceptionally pleasant to the touch. We have ensured that the main theme of our product is its appearance, and the visual design solely serves to highlight its natural beauty.

BLITZbee in a can

BLITZbee is available in a 250 ml "slim" can, with sleek and aesthetic silhouette. Since the container is made from opaque material, we paid special attention to the label design - golden accents contrast with deep black, and the entire surface of the can is enhanced with a matte varnish, making it pleasant to the touch. A pattern of hexagrams, inspired by honey, the main ingredient in our product's recipe, runs along the left side of the front of the can. The BLITZbee can captivates with its minimalism, reflecting our philosophy of product creation - a simple composition whose whole secret lies in its blend.

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